Conveniently deposit cash to your CARD account at your favorite participating retailer

Adding cash is easy with Green Dot. Just bring your Card and cash directly to the register at a Card participating location. A retailer fee of $4.95 or less applies. Cash load and Card balance limits apply. See Cardholder Agreement for details.

Reload a friend's card or your own! Visit to get started. A retailer fee of $5.95 applies. Reload and card balance limits apply.
Simply hand your card and cash to an agent at your nearest Western Union® location. No form, no hassle! Western Union fees apply. Reload and card balance limits apply.
©2025 Green Dot Corporation. Green Dot is a registered trademark of Green Dot Corporation.
All trademarks and brand names belong to their respective owners. Use of these trademarks and brand names do not represent endorsement by or association with this card program. All rights reserved.